Made2Fly Entertainment is a Johannesburg based Entertainment
Company established in November 2011. They specialize in model, talent &
events management as well as professional photography, graphic design and
filming services. They offer international quality services at affordable local
rates and provide tailor-made solutions to best suit the individual clients’
specific needs, requirements and budget.
In a chitchat session with the Creative Director of the Entertainment Company, Charma Maluleka, he shared with ChitChatMzansi how he came about the name "Made2Fly", What he has tried that is working and not working and What Made2Fly Entertainment have in plan for the rest of the year.
See the ChitChat below:
#ChitChatMzansi: Let’s get to know you.
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Charma Maluleka, Marketing and creative director of Made2Fly
#ChitChatMzansi: Where did you grow up?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Was born in Switzerland, raised in
Dubai and grew up in Johannesburg.
#ChitChatMzansi: Nationality?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: South African.
#ChitChatMzansi: What is the meaning of life?
live it, not just to watch it pass you by

#ChitChatMzansi: What have you done that you proud of?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Starting Made2Fly Entertainment from the ground
and watching it grow as it has been growing really makes me proud. Being a father to my 2 beautiful girls is also
something I'm really proud of
#ChitChatMzansi: How did you come about the name Made2Fly?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: It came with my vision for success. Whatever I
create I create with the intention to make it succeed, so everything I
"make" must "fly", hence Made2Fly.
#ChitChatMzansi: Share with me what Made2Fly is all about that is
not included in the company’s profile.
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Made2Fly Entertainment is not just a company, its
a BRAND, its a lifestyle, its a culture, its an empire, its a LEGACY.Its not just a company, it's alive and has its own
personality. It's a 2year old baby now and will grow to be a toddler, then a
teenager, then young adult, etc.
#ChitChatMzansi: What’s Made2Fly’s watchword?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: What's "watchword?
#ChitChatMzansi: Who are your clients?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: To many to mention individually, but its mostly
corporates, local government, provincial government entities, musicians (both
local and from other parts of Africa), Casting directors, production companies,
booking agents, etc.
#ChitChatMzansi: Through which medium do you reach your audience?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: We have the social platforms to reach and interact
with "fans" and people who support us. And for our clients and
potential clients, we use a medium I call "on the ground interaction"
where we organize networking events, parties, outings, etc to interact with
them and get to know more about their brands as well as the people behind the
brands and companies. So we interact both physically and online.
#ChitChatMzansi: In terms of artist’s promotion will you consider
technique over strategy?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: We're in the business of media where
marketing and advertising is what makes or breaks a project. You could be
the best artist ever, but without proper marketing, your talent will be wasted.
So definitely strategies over technique.
#ChitChatMzansi: What have you tried that’s working or not working?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: What's working is we attract the right kind of
clients who, through their business, we have managed to sustain our business.
So happy clients always come back for more business and refer more clients,
that works. What's not working is managing individual talent! Its unbelievable
how some individuals are just not focused, dedicated and passionate about what
they do. We can only help here and there but the hunger and will to succeed has
to be from the individual and its very sad how we've lost so much talent
because of indiscipline. So maybe we as Made2Fly Entertainment could do more
to assist and help groom local talent.
#ChitChatMzansi: Tell me something you’ve really wanted for
made2Fly Ent. And how you went about obtaining it.
CHARMA MADE2FLY: I wanted Made2Fly to become an international
company and we're on our way, 2 years and we have already branched out to
Nigeria, Ghana and soon Angola, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland, Kenya, Ivory
Coast, etc. So my international dream is still alive, its what I wanted and its
where we're going.
#ChitChatMzansi: Can you share with me Made2Fly’s accomplishments?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Too many to mention, but some of our highlights
have been working on projects such as the Man On Ground movie premier, 2013
J&B Met, 2013 Durban July, 2012 SA Sports Awards, Chris Brown's SA concert,
RKelly's SA concert, working with artists such as Dbanj, Ruan de Waal, Lira,
TKZee, Didi, Nina David, etc. We have worked with people we use to look up to
and admire growing up, now we are working with them directly.
#ChitChatMzansi: It’s just three Months to wrap up the year; have
you been able to carry out most of the set plans for the year?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Not even halfway! I'm never satisfied so I'm
seldom satisfied. I'm content with the progress and growth thus far though, but
I know and believe that we are capable of achieving 10 times what we currently
have achieved.
#ChitChatMzansi: What do you have in plan for the rest of the year?
CHARMA MADE2FLY: Atleast 3 Made2Fly events before the end of the
year, releasing our 1st artist (Masello - afrojazz / afropop musician) under
our newly formed record label, shooting 10 more international quality music
videos within 3 months and attracting more profitable business.